Healthcare ServicesBetter Healthcare solutions, Better Outcomes

Healthcare is one of the most delicate sectors in existence, mostly because of the sensitivity of the collected data. As the healthcare industry experiences substantial growth, managing data is becoming more complicated.

Each year, healthcare organizations fall victim to Account takeovers, Bot attacks, Ransomware, Data breaches and usually, the criminals aren’t strangers.

Healthcare organizations encounter attacks by their own employees and business associates at a rate 5 times greater than other high-value targets, such as financial institutions. To avoid this Grootan offers a wide range of data protection solutions, that will ensure secure account setup, access control and access management without compromising data security.

Perks of Advanced Health Care Services

Check out the facts & figures, how we deliver advanced healthcare services.

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Increase Productivity

SSO provides healthcare organizations with a secure method for accessing 3rd party applications, cloud, data, and other resources. 

It protects access behind a single login and relies on passing security tokens instead of traditional passwords to verify a user’s identity before granting access to the connected resources. This saves users from remembering multiple sets of credentials.

Reduce Risk

According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires strict regulations in protecting the privacy and security of health information. Our superior level of healthcare service ensures fast, appropriate and secure access to patient data. By automating identity management processes, you can reduce long-winded extensive tasks and eliminate the associated risks that come with potential human error.

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Reduce Human Error

No more financial penalties due to human errors. According to HIPAA in 2019 alone healthcare organizations paid $28 million in financial penalties to the Office for Civil Rights in response to HIPAA violations. With IAM you can implement an efficient and fully automated management solution that streamline operations and reduces overall costs. 

With Grootan's deep understanding of the healthcare industry and time-to-market needs, we focus on

  • Operational Efficiencies
  • Risk Reduction
  • Customer Service

to provide incremental and cost-effective solutions.

Grow Your Business With Grootan